The code for Keygen is as listed below contains the algorithm that is used by the crackme and outputs the username/password couple to successfully defeat this Crackme. Now the keygen should be able to generate the new Password based on the userName input from the user which should crack the crackme.

Next it compares the input password with generated password to verify if user has entered Valid password. Here is the Password generation algorithm. The crackme takes two inputs Username and Password, then generates new password based on the username. In this article, we will create the Keygen for the same crackme code. In our last Training session "Part 4 - Practical Reversing (I)" we have seen how to reverse sample crackme by both static & dynamic reversing. You can visit our training page here and all the presentations of previous sessions here This article is the part of our free "Reverse Engineering & Malware In this article, we will learn how to create Keygen for sample crackme presented in our Reversing Session.